The Future of Passenger Drones

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These days, aerial photography drones are prevalent in the media spotlight. But did you know that this technology can go much further than just assisting photographers and facilitating tourism?

A few years ago, passenger drones were considered a distant dream of the future. But as driverless cars increasingly become an achievable reality, we've started seeing a shift to a future where passenger drones may become a reality.  So, what do the next few years look like for this continually evolving technology? We've collected some of our insights below.


A work in progress

If you currently live in a busy city with constant traffic congestion (think Melbourne), you’re bound to be excited for the development of commercial passenger drones. While tourism and photography drones were an innovative addition to industries across the board, there’s, even more, happening in the space. And there's plenty of successful and reputable companies jumping on board these advancements, with the likes of Intel, Uber and Airbus all working towards viable passenger drone solutions.

A lot of these companies plan to be operating as early as 2023. However, technological challenges aren’t the only obstacles they have to face. As this is a new and evolving technology, these companies will also have to consider air traffic control and additional legislation before they hit take off.


What benefits will they have?

When the mainstream thinks of passenger drones, it’s likely that flying cars and taxis are the first things that come to mind. Aside from these whimsical ideas,  this incredible technology has the potential to introduce a whole new world of possibilities to benefit our lives in the near future.

For example, if you live in an apartment, there’s bound to have been a time where you dreaded taking the lift or stairs to your door after a long day at work. Passenger drones could be the solution you’ve been looking for, as they could take you right to the entrance of your home, regardless of what level you live on. As this technology develops and becomes a reality, we may just be using drones to do all of the hard work for us, sooner than we may even think. This technology could completely change how we develop, build and even live, especially in a metropolitan setting.


A positive impact on the environment 

These nifty drones could also ease congestion, meaning the toxic fumes that usually fill our cities may also be alleviated, at least to some extent. As most of these drones are destined to be electric, they will be much more sustainable and better for the environment than our current solutions. An increase in these vehicles also means that we have more opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint along the way. It's a win-win.